Do it Again: My Thoughts on Miracles and Healing
One of the ways I encounter God in everyday life is through music. Now, I certainly don’t play music, unless you count the three months I...
Busyness and Boxes
As you are probably aware the world today seems busier and more frenetic then ever. As someone who works with teenagers I see this...
Jesus: The True and Better
One of the most interesting things to me when studying the Bible is examining how the Old Testament fits into the New Testament. Too many...
Ministries That Run Deep
“For the deep church the Gospel is at the center of all we do—our worship, discipleship, community groups, mercy ministry and cultural...
Perfect in Weakness?
When we think about this idea of appearance versus reality there are probably a lot of things that people with physical disabilities...
Mr. Wolf and Having the Answers
I was reminded this week of a story about one of my favorite theologians Dietrich Bonhoeffer. You may have heard of Bonhoeffer through...
Cutting on the Lines
When I was in kindergarten we had a sticker system—maybe you had something similar. The quick summary of this sticker system was that...
Where Are You?
One of the first recorded questions in Scripture is in Genesis 3. Adam and Eve were originally created to reflect the image of a good and...
More Than Words on a Page
There are stories in every family that stand the test of time. They are repeated over at reunions, weddings, funerals, and any gathering...
The True Vine
Jim Elliot is an American born missionary who along with his wife and four friends (and their wives) decided to travel to the Haorani...